Our Process Is Designed To Ensure Success

Strategy & Playbook


You can’t win without a plan. Successful outsourced sales development isn’t jazz, it’s a highly refined and tested process where we repeat—again and again—what works and cull everything else. Each flowtide client engagement kicks off with a discovery process where we collect the data we need to configure our playbook to your brand.

Account Research


Buying lists is no longer effective in modern day prospecting. Buying a list means relying on a single source of information and blindspots in terms of data accuracy. Data is perishable and we build our campaign groups accordingly, accessing several of our own data sources on a frequency as determined by the outbound velocity of each campaign. If you have lists, we’ll verify the data and make sure it’s clean before we launch.

Sales Enablement Tools


We invest in best-in-class sales enablement tools so we can effectively, efficiently, and predictably win pipeline for our clients. This is one of the differentiating factors in selecting outsourced sales development versus building an internal team—we have our own tools and they are the best. We spin them up on your behalf and execute. We configure our outbound cadence tactics (email, call, VM, social follow, etc) based on campaign goals.

Appointment Setting & SQL Handoff


Together we’ll determine the best point in your process to handoff a qualified lead to your sales personnel. Whether is it setting appointments for you sales team to run with, performing a discovery call before handing off a supremely qualified lead based on your criteria, or riding shotgun on a technical call with an Account Executive—the process is different for each client.

Reporting & Analytics


We believe in providing our clients with ultimate transparency to our process AND our campaign data. We use campaign data to continually tweak messaging, adapt cadence tactics (such as number of touches and what times are best to call & email) but we also provide this information to our clients so they can see our activity and successes.

Seamless Extension of Your Brand


Engaging a company to actively work on your behalf requires trust and that’s why we operate as a seamless extension of your brand in all of our activities. We’ll align with your brand book or a voice guide. Most importantly, we’ll pay close attention to the relationship dynamics among your team members and between you and your clients so our actions match your culture.

Positioning & Messaging


Our targeted, proactive approach means we know a great deal about a prospect before we make first contact. We use our research and evolve your value prop for optimal positioning in market with messaging crafted in a prospect’s day-to-day vernacular, designed to let them know we understand and are here to help.

We’re a good fit if you have…

Prospecting & Sales Roles

Our process is built on the philosophy that these two roles require vastly different focuses, tools and skills for each to be successful. Specialization in the role yet working together allows each to thrive.

A Niche Offering

Each campaign offering must be narrowly focused yet provide a deep enough pool of prospects worthy of the substantial outbound effort at scale. The inflection point can often be identified when you’ve refined your messaging with both success AND failure selling to cold leads.

An Ideal Client Profile

With a strong niche offering and successful messaging born out through initial sales efforts, the known characteristics (revenue, company size, industry, location, verticals, culture, brand, etc) of your Ideal Client Profile can be powerfully leveraged in outbound campaigns.

Buyer Personas

In unison with your Ideal Client Profile, identifying the personas you’ve already had success selling into AND those you’ve had difficulty reaching can is a crucial foundation for outbound campaigns.

Campaign Opportunity

For each campaign we do a detailed Total Available Market (TAM) evaluation for the campaign itself. Here we’re finding out how deep that pool of prospects is in advance of launching a campaign.


Because the heavy lifting has already been done in connecting an offering with the ideal company and buyer personas, the right messaging puts you in a powerful position to engage a prospect from the first touch in the campaign.